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I'm Nervous About My Tooth Extraction: What Can I Expect?

I'm Nervous About My Tooth Extraction: What Can I Expect?

Oral health is tied to your body’s overall health. To function properly, your mouth is a microbiome all its own, filled with many harmless microorganisms that, along with proper dental care, help to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

However, when harmful germs become more abundant, it can lead to a range of dental issues, including cavities, oral cancer, and gum disease.

Severe dental health issues sometimes lead to tooth extractions (pulling teeth). Although the idea of having one or more teeth pulled out of your mouth can be anxiety-inducing, the good news is that the procedure is far less painful than many people think. 

Let's learn about tooth extractions to give you an idea of what to expect from the dental treatment. 

If you live in Mamaroneck, New York, or Stamford, Connecticut, and you’re nervous about having a tooth pulled, Dr. Gennadiy Kravets and his dedicated team at All Bright Dental can help you through the anxiety to get it done.

Why do people need tooth extractions?

The first goal for any dentist is to preserve teeth. However, if the damage is severe enough and restorative methods like fillings and crowns can’t repair it, it must be extracted to prevent further damage. Here are the most common reasons people need a tooth pulled: 

What is the procedure like?

The extraction begins with the injection of anesthetic into the tissue surrounding the tooth. Some people even opt for sedation. 

Next, the gum and tissue around the tooth may be cut away depending on if it is impacted. The tooth is sometimes removed in pieces. 

Let us know if your dental anxiety is severe. We can discuss your sedation options. 

What happens after the procedure?

Once the tooth is removed, the socket will need to clot to begin healing. That’s why we use gauze to promote clotting. 

Some pain is expected after the anesthetic wears off, but it should resolve after about three days. During those first days after the tooth is removed, be sure to get plenty of rest, change the gauze as needed, and avoid rinsing, swishing, gargling, or anything that can loosen the clot. Also, don’t use straws, avoid spitting, and don’t blow your nose. 

Use a cold compress to reduce swelling, take over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription medications as instructed, and elevate your head while sleeping by using extra pillows. Avoid smoking.

Tooth extractions sound a lot scarier than they actually are. The process is nothing to fear. If you need one, make an appointment with Dr. Kravets at All Bright Dental today.

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