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5 Foods that Promote Oral Health

You’ve been to the dentist enough times to know that having a good dental hygiene routine is essential if you want to avoid cavities and other problems with your teeth. The truth is that even if you’ve mastered your brushing technique and never miss a day of flossing, it might not be enough to keep your teeth healthy. Part of your dental health relies on the kinds of foods you eat. 

At All Bright Dental, our dentist Dr. Gennadiy Kravets and the team are dedicated to equipping you with the best information and dental hygiene tips so your smile is the healthiest it can be. 

Why is brushing and flossing not enough?

Since your first trip to the dentist, you were told that brushing and flossing is an important part of your daily oral health care routine. Brushing helps remove the bacteria and food build-up from the surface of your teeth, while flossing gets rid of the plaque hiding in the spaces between your teeth. Sometimes, these two pillars of dental hygiene aren’t enough to maintain a strong healthy smile. You need the nutrients and the cleaning capabilities you can find in the foods you eat. 

Foods for a healthy smile

It might seem strange that eating certain foods can promote oral health. Don’t you brush and floss to get bits of food out of your mouth and teeth? The power lies in the rich nutrients and the natural cleaning abilities your food provides. Here are five of the best smile-boosting foods:

1. Cheese

The ingredients in cheese that support your oral health include calcium and casein. Calcium enhances bone density, and casein fortifies your teeth’s enamel. Cheese also has high levels of phosphate which helps to maintain a stable pH balance in your mouth. Eating cheese stimulates salivation which is great for getting rid of bacteria left in your mouth. 

If you’re not a cheese-lover, pour yourself a glass of milk or have some yogurt as a snack. These dairy products have similar benefits.

2. Celery

Known as nature’s dental floss, celery is a great food to munch on if you want a healthy smile. This crunchy vegetable scrubs your teeth clean as you eat it. The high water content stimulates your natural saliva production as well. 

Other veggies like carrots, which have high levels of vitamin C, calcium, and other nutrients, are natural toothbrushes and great companions to your typical brushing and flossing routine. 

3. Spinach

Spinach is often referred to as a superfood. It provides amazing benefits not only for your overall health but also boasts the vitamins and minerals needed to support healthy teeth. Other leafy green vegetables like lettuce and kale offer similar benefits and help scrub your teeth clean as you chew. 

4. Meat

As you bite into your steak or grilled chicken wrap, your mouth produces lots of saliva. This helps wash away bacteria in your mouth, gums, and teeth. Meats are also great for reducing acidity in your mouth. Less acidity means less decay in your teeth. 

Fish is just as good as other meats when it comes to promoting oral health. Salmon, for example, contains high levels of phosphorus which strengthens your teeth’s enamel. 

5. Cranberries

Cranberries are packed with the nutrients and minerals your teeth crave. They’re rich in antioxidants like phytochemicals. These antioxidants significantly reduce bacteria growth in your mouth which prevents you from developing gum disease and other problems. 

Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy foods are important for a healthy smile, but there’s no substitute for the expert care of our dentist. Be sure to maintain your regular checkups and cleanings with our team for a truly healthy smile. 

If you’d like to learn more about how you can boost your dental hygiene or would like to schedule a cleaning, call our office or schedule an appointment online today.

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